Client Story- Emma: Stress Urinary Incontinence

FREE Bladder Irritant List
What are bladder irritants? Are your foods/drinks on the list!?
Unleashing Tennis Excellence Through a Joyful Pelvic Floor
Level up your tennis game by activating your pelvic floor

Wake Up America! The Astonishing Gap in Postpartum Care Compared to France!

C-Section vs. Vaginal Birth. “!SHOCKING WARNING!”

From Urinary Leakage to Perfect Posture: How Fixing My Pelvic Floor Problems Changed My Posture
What if I told you that your poor posture is directly linked to your pelvic health issues. Read on, I, myself, wish I knew this sooner!

Stop the Bulge: The Scary Similarity Between Weak Pelvic Floor Muscles and Eye Squeezy Toys
Don’t make your pelvic floor end up like a squeeze toy

The Missing Link in Core Strength: The Pelvic Floor Muscle

How Your Pee stream, Direction, and Sound Relate to Pelvic floor problems.

Will holding my pee lead to Urinary Tract Infection?
Urinary Tract Infection

ONE Thing You do that is Damaging your Pelvic Floor Every day!

What do you know about CONSTIPATION?

Kegels, NOT OK!!

What is Pelvic Health PT?
Here is what you did not know about pelvic health physical therapy!

Leakage is NOT ok.
Leakage is NOT ok, no matter who you are!